Friday, 19 September 2014

Pirate Day (ITLAP) 2014

Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. We like to celebrate this date each year in this house, as me and Chickpea are very fond of pirates. Yarrr!

This week I have spent some time experimenting with the way I paint and also using mixed media. It's been fun and strangely I found myself drawing a pirate ship. Here's the finished piece:

This is taken with my phone's camera. I will scan the picture and get it on my website as I'm really pleased with it. It's a little bit messy but I like that.

Here are some progress pictures:

A messy start

Experimenting with layering ink with sponges

Loose brush painting on the waves

Adding stars and highlights with pencils and extra sails

Adding depth and shadows

And the finished piece again:

Happy Pirate day and thanks for looking at my blog.


Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Round up 31st August 2014

I'm running a bit late with this one. Chickpea starts school this week so it's been busy! All very exciting though.

Anyway, here's some sketchbook work from me:

@Daily__Doodle (Twitter) topic of Dinosaur as we say goodbye to another screen icon in Sir Richard Attenborough. 

Working out what different ages look like:

Sketching some different faces (other than Chickpea):

Some ideas:

A random elephant:

Cinderella characters:

Fairy Godmother


Prince Charming

Horse and Carriage


This is my favourite

Thanks for stopping to look at my blog. I hope you liked what you saw.

Have a great week,
