Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Weekly round up 29th July 2014

I'm working on some large pieces and commissions so not a lot of time for anything else this last week. However, here are some pictures from my sketchbook:

There were a few Daily Doodles for the Alice in Wonderland topic:

I've been trying to work a little bit more loosely (only a little bit...)

After last week's Witch and Wizard topic (see the last blog post) I have carried on drawing the witch:

I also decided to draw a load of cats:

This was my favourite:

Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog.

Have a great week,


Sunday, 20 July 2014

Weekly round up - 20th July 2014

It's been a busy week entertaining Chickpea as she's already on summer holidays. We even made a small puppet theatre out of a shoe box:
I think we will have a go at making some shadow puppets this week as she loves playing with torches.

From my sketchbook this week:
This little character turned up which I like

Also for @Daily__Doodle a Garden Gnome

And A Day at The Zoo, also for @Daily__Doodle:

This, well, I can't imagine where this idea came from:

Another @Daily__Doodle witches and wizards:

I've also managed to write a draft of a story. It had been kicking around in my head for a couple of days and then splurged out into my sketchbook all in one go. I'm quite pleased with it and I have already started sketching out some character illustrations. I will just have to see where this goes!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a good week,


Sunday, 13 July 2014

Weekly round up 13th July 2014

What a busy week! Chickpea finished nursery forever and so there have been much shenanigans going on. I've been Daily Doodle-ing and also some personal pieces too.

From my sketchbook for @Daily__Doodle with Caterpillar Books:

The topic was ROAR 
I tried some new pens and then ended up doing three different versions for this

I obviously enjoyed that topic!

Then the next Daily doodle was HOOT!
Up next was ZOOM! I found the time to colour this one.

The last Daily doodle I had time to do was PEEK-A-BOO:
Chickpea had fun trying to find all the squirrels. 

Then there were a few other pieces I completed as presents this week. 

A couple of pictures were for Chickpea's teachers as a thank you. They have been fabulous and it was very sad to say goodbye to them:

Finally a friend's son was baptised on Saturday so a picture for them too:

Monday, 7 July 2014

Weekly round up 6th July 2014

This week has been busy (as usual). I managed to participate in a couple of the Daily Doodle (find them on Twitter and Facebook and join in) topics which was fun. The Daily Doodles were Quentin Blake themed as the brand new House of Illustration has been launched - follow them on Twitter @illustrationHQ also find out more here: http://www.houseofillustration.org.uk

I am working on one large piece and also looking at reworking my portfolio again, so lots of drawing in my sketchbook too.

Here's a round up of my week.

James and the Giant Peach for Daily Doodle:

Matilda for Daily Doodle:

The Fantastic Mr Fox for Daily Doodle:

A sketch for The Twits for Daily Doodle which I didn't get a chance to finish:

From my sketchbook - Chickpea having problems with her Wonder Woman headband:

A rather grumpy poodle - who knew poodles were so much fun to draw:

Finally a princess sketch:

Thanks for looking,
