Sunday, 15 June 2014

Round up 15th June

This week has been a bit less busy and I managed 4 out of 5 Daily Doodles plus an extra for Judith Kerr's birthday (The Tiger Who Came To Tea) which was Saturday.

From my sketchbook...

The Emperor's New Clothes:

The Little Mermaid:
This is a homage to my favourite mermaid, Iris, from Oliver and The Seawigs by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre (you can follow them on Twitter @philipreeve1 and @jabberworks). A brilliant book!

The Princess and The Pea:
If it's not peas keeping her awake, it's princes waking her up! 

The Tortoise and The Hare:
This lead to me having to remember/make up the story to tell Chickpea. Which of course means it's her favourite story ever (until the next one)!

Finally it was Judith Kerr's 91st birthday on Saturday 14th June and I wanted to do something as The Tiger Who Came To Tea (amongst her other books) is such a well known classic and iconic book.

She's a fascinating person and there was a brilliant documentary on her last year (I think it was BBC but I'm happy to be corrected). If it's still around do watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Teri - these are just beatiful - you have such an amazing talent :-)
