Then I invented my own and made an owl:
It is tricky trying to balance work while also being primary carer during holidays and the summer holiday is so long! It means I end up doing a lot of preparation work and also experimenting. Here's what's been happening in my sketchbook - also details about a competition are right at the end of this post:
I got a new pen. It's a Pentel Brush pen with permanent ink (I have tried to see how permenant it is yet - it's on my list) and replaceable cartridges. Lots of fun and so the first part of my sketchbook is covered in mark making and sketches to see how it works and how I can use it:
I did go back to a story I've half written and drew this with the new pen:
Some quick expressions
Another story idea
Showing my age with this song:
I've been drawing some dragons too:
Chickpea was busking in our lounge (and demanding money!)
Part of another idea
I started with this piece and...
Added a friend (or is that fiend?)
I love pangolins
While watching James Bond:
For @Daily_Doodle a bear on a chair:
John Cleese's cat:
Amusing myself:
More sketching
A germ of an idea in this one:
New dipper pen nibs and handle meant I had to do more experimenting:
Thanks for getting this far!
Here's the link for a competition, to win a print from my Etsy shop, which is over on my Facebook page:
Competition closes Sunday 30th August 2015!
Good luck and thanks for reading my blog,