Saturday, 31 May 2014

Daily Doodle Round Up 31st May

Well that was a fun week! I've been on holiday and took a travel sketchbook and my bag of pens and also a travel watercolour set. 

This week's Daily Doodle topics were set by Top That Publishing and I managed to do all of them from my sunbed by the pool (it's a hard life)! The only danger was getting my sketchbook wet due to the amount of huge water pistols being used in the pool.

Anyway here are my week's Daily Doodles (follow Daily Doodle on Facebook and Twitter - @Daily__Doodle):

Monday - What did the Jabberwock look like:

Tuesday - Fight Like A Pirate:

Wednesday - what did Hattie Peck hatch (based on the book by Emma Levey):

Thursday - A character wearing pants:

Friday - A very noisy fox (based on the book by Amy Husband):

I've really enjoyed filling my sketchbook with these illustrations and it's also been interesting working over two pages for most of them. 

All illustrations were badly photographed on my phone.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Chicks Etc.

I've been having fun in the sun and brought my sketchbook with me (of course). Apart from drawing some lovely, funny little birds that rove around in gangs and hop on the sunbeds, I've been doing the Daily Doodle (@Daily__Doodle). 

This week Top That Publishing have been giving the day's topic and it's been really interesting. Monday's was the Jabberwocky, Tuesday we had Fight Like A Pirate and today's was What did Hattie Peck Hatch.

I remembered to bring my travel watercolour set. Even though I don't usually paint using that medium it's a handy little set and colour pencils just aren't doing it for me.

Here are some pictures from my sketchbook this week (I shall do a Daily Doodle round up at the end of the week):